This month a year ago we blessed our little man! On November 7th, 2010 we blessed Cohen Jon Fuller! What a wonderful day that was for us. I can't help but feel how lucky I am. Cohen is such a blessing in our lives. He brings me so much joy everyday! The other day I was having a hard time and just started crying. I was sitting on the floor by him. He looked up at my face and scrunched his eye brows and came over to give me a hug. As he was giving me a hug he started to go "mmmm"...and puckered his lips to give me a kiss. Then he went back to his toy picked it up and set it back down and came to give me another hug and a kiss. He probably did this same scenario 5 or 6 times. After that I couldn't help but smile. He is so intuitive and receptive of others feelings. Even when I am down he makes me happy. He truly is a blessing in my life. The past 15 months have been wonderful with him in my life! I am so grateful that I get the opportunity to have him in our family. I am so glad to be a mom and have the chance to raise a son of God. I just feel so blessed that Heavenly Father sent him to me. I know I am suppose to teach him but right now I feel like he was sent to teach me. I love him so much!
Hershey PA
2 months ago
Hard to believe that was a year ago... He has changed so much! He truly is a blessing in our lives...thanks for sharing.
He is such a sweetheart! Wish I was there to give you a hug and kiss! WE miss you tons and can't wait to see you soon. The countdown is on!
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